This Tray Bake Mediterranean Chicken is the perfect mid week meal, it takes very little prep and makes very little washing up! You need a chopping board, a knife and a roasting dish/baking tray. And then it all cooks in the oven. Dinner in 20 minutes! Yes this is definitely a case of winner winner chicken dinner! Serve it with some fresh bread rolls and you don't need anything else. Or if you want to dirty another pan 😉 then it is great stirred through a short pasta like penne.
I have given exact measurements for the olive oil, salt, pepper and herbs, but to be honest most of the time I just sprinkle them straight from the jar/bottle!
So I love my boys more than anything in the world. In fact they are my world......but some afternoons I do just want to scream and shout, send them into the garden and lock the door. They can bicker, argue and be grumpy outside where I can't hear them!!!!
Ha!!! Is that terrible????
Last night was one of those nights. They weren't naughty, they just seemed to disagree with each other.....I do not enjoy being a referee, especially when there are no rules, when both parties are right/wrong and your really don't know who should get the red card! Cue 2 hours of carnage!
So when peace was sort of restored.....mostly due to the fact we have 5 acres of garden, a lock on the back door and their cubby house is well away from the house....I did the only sane thing left to me....I opened a bottle of wine or 2!
Well several glasses later I can tell you that the world seemed jolly. I called them in, they were far calmer! They helped me make burgers and clear away for dinner. All good....except for the bottle(s) of wine that vanished at 5pm!!!
So once they were in bed, the in-laws, Stew and I sat down for dinner....more wine!! Well I can tell you that I wasn't really fit to write much last night 😉 As I was clearing the table, mumbling about writing my Monday blog post, my Mother-in-law said "I'll write it for you, easy!"
So here is what she said she was going to write!!! Bare in mind that she shared the wine with me 😉 So the conversation went like this
MIL: This is Claire's mother-in-law. Claire cannot write tonight as she is inebriated. In fact everyone in the house is inebriated. Except me, as you can tell, from the fact that I can write on Claire's blog. (here she was tapping her fingers all over the dining room table, no computer in sight!)
MIL: Today I am going to tell you how to make brownies. Go get a packet from Woolworths, Big W or or or, Claire what is that other supermarket???
Me: Coles, IGA?
Want to save this recipe?
MIL: Oh yes Coles. So get a packet from them, mix it with water, cook it in the oven and serve it with homemade ice cream. Is your ice cream recipe on your blog?
Me: No, not yet, people keep eating it 😉
MIL: Hmmm okay serve it with store ice cream.
MIL: Tell everyone you made it, drink more wine and enjoy it.
MIL: Then I will get a picture of chocolate brownie off the internet and put that on. Blog post done. I can do your blog for you.
Hahaha, isn't she the best!!!! Not that I approve of the getting a photo off the internet. I have been struggling with people stealing my photos and blog posts recently!!! But it was still funny. You also have to imagine it with a slight drunken twang 😉
So that is why there was no blog post last night!!! Basically a game of i-spy was to blame, as it turned my children into menaces!!!
But hey!!! Today is Tuesday, they have an extra karate lesson tonight, (before grading on Thursday), I have sausages in the fridge ready for a 'Toad in the hole' and I did a full clean of the house yesterday. That means I have the whole day today to do some writing, a bit of recipe testing, and to cook up and photograph an old favourite, my Soupe De Crevette! I have the prawn shells defrosting as I write.
But I am not inebriated now (not that I was last night.....I was just tired!!!!!!!!! 😉 ) so now I can share my recipe for tray bake Mediterranean chicken. Which is so simple that you could possibly make it whilst inebriated.....actually scratch that. You need to use a knife!!!! But it is certainly very achievable whilst drinking a glass of wine. Come on Mothers what is not to love about that!! A one tray meal, packed with veggies and super simple! And look how beautiful it is!!! Packed with colour you know this is going to taste great and be good for the little terrors!!!!
Enjoy x
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Tray Bake Mediterranean Chicken
- 3 chicken thighs
- 1 red capsicum
- 1 yellow capsicum
- ½ red onion
- 1 cup broccoli florets (about half a head of broccoli)
- 1 ½ tablespoon olive oil
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- ½ teaspoon dried oregano
- ½ teaspoon dried basil
- ½ teaspoon paprika
- Preheat oven to 220ºC/430ºF.
- Chop all the veg into large pieces.
- Chop the chicken into bite sized cubes.
- Place the chicken and veg on a medium baking tray or in a roasting dish (see notes).
- Add the olive oil, salt and pepper, oregano, basil, and paprika, then toss to combine.
- Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes or until the veggies are starting to charred and chicken is cooked through.
To spread out and you will find the veg burns before the chicken is cooked and too compact and nothing with crisp up and it will take longer to cook.
Nutrition is per serving
Dorothy Dunton says
Hi Claire! I laughed all the way through this post!! I have been in your shoes on more than one occasion (thank goodness for wine)! Your Mother in Law is a hoot! This dish is calling to me, I love how colorful it and how easy it is! Cauliflower would be a nice addition (it's one of my favorite roast vegs). I made seafood chowder last night, actually it was shrimp, clam and corn chowder but seafood chowder sounds more elegant!
Claire McEwen says
She is!!! I should have let her write it, she would have liked that and it would have been funny 🙂
Cauliflower would be a great addition, roasted is my favourite way to eat cauliflower!
Mmmmmmm seafood chowder! One day you and I need to sit down to the biggest meal ever! Packed with all our favourites!